Soul Illume

An Intimate group healing container where you’ll dive into the grey areas of spiritual conditioning, mother wounds, and self-worth.


You, my love, have handled it all. Everyone’s everything for way too long. And now, you’re wondering why things aren’t sitting well within you.

Everything you were taught about being a good wife and mother was supposed to fill you with joy. But you feel…lost.

I’ve been watching and listening for years now. I’ve been doing my own healing work, too. Here’s what I’ve found. It always boils down to 3 defined spaces within us.

Spirituality: Your relationship with God

Sexuality: Your relationships

Self-Worth: Your relationship with self


Registration is open from September 14th to September 22nd



Most women I know have experienced Spiritual Woundings. From their church environments, false teachings, purity culture, loss, and dismissal: the women who come to Selah Space deserve some space to heal these pains.

In Soul Illume, we won’t be working toward getting you (back) to church, scripture memorization, or better servanthood skills. Instead, we work toward building a real-to-you relationship with God. We do that by peeling away the layers of conditioning, people pleasing, performative purity, and unrealistic expectations. Then we are able to learn how to come into a spiritual practice and spend time with the God who is close to us and has never once left us.



Settle down, we almost never get into your actual sex-life. What I mean by sexuality is the way you feel and think about you and your body.

Here, we actually work hard to understand and heal your own mother-wounds. And that impulse to write this off because you don’t have mother wounds and your mother is your best friend? Yeah, honey. I know. We’ll talk about that, too.

Some other examples of mother wounds include:

  • overworking, burnout, exhaustion, overfunctioning

  • Felling stuck, paralyzed, or unable to make changes

  • loneliness, depression, disconnection

  • Comparing yourself to others or feeling jealous and competitive with other women

  • Feeling like you have to put on a happy face

  • Double binds (“Be smart but not too smart. Be sexy but not too sexy.”)

  • Feeling like something is wrong with you

From this healing, we are able to engage with your soul child and inner mother: 2 vital pieces of your inner life when it comes to learning how to love yourself well, and without guilt.



We’ve been taught our whole lives to Put Others First and to Work Incredibly Hard. When we grow up and learn that those are two sure-fire ways to be sick & tired.

[first-born daughters: how’s healing from burnout going?]

Self-worth is something we truly have to learn, nurture, and grow within us.

In Soul Illume, we explore how our spiritual authority supports us in seeking and advocating for our needs and desires.

The Nuts and Bolts of Soul Illume

Soul Illume is a 6 month invitation to Healing and Becoming. Throughout the course of our time together you’ll experience:

  • 2 Group Illuminations per month (for the first time ever, we are offering a Virtual Group for those who aren’t local!)

  • 1 Spiritual Healing session per month ($220)

  • 3 Books to support our curiosity and feminine desire for wisdom

  • Weekly Spiritual Practices to explore and play with

  • Reiki I Attunement and retreat (optional)

  • Community and Connection

Choose the Best Fit for You.


Calling all Small Town Girls, Farmers’ Wives, and Non-South Dakotans. This one’s for you! If you aren’t local to the Sioux Falls Area but you’re sick to death of being lonely, you’ve just found your village.

In Person

If you call Sioux Falls and the surrounding area home, or love to drive on I29 or I90, join us twice per month in person. Here you’ll find creature comforts like direct eye-contact, hugs, and friends passing you the tissues.

Down to Brass Tacks

  • The total cost of Soul Illume is $3,000. You’ll be able to sign up with 7 monthly payments of $428.57.

  • Depending on how fast you read, you’ll spend between 12-34 hours per month on Soul Illume. You MUST be able to join us for MOST Group Illuminations.

  • This is tough work. But it’s all exploration. Take what you need, leave what you don’t.

  • This program is not for the faint of heart. But if you’re ready to heal, I’m ready to hold you while you do that.

Whatever you’re working through, spiritually, mentally, relationally, Soul Illume is the space we create together. The Holy Spirit is here, too.

There’s Room for You Here.



Testimonies 〰️

What are others saying about Soul Illume?

“To be honest, I wasn't sure what to fully expect when I joined Soul Illume. I knew that it would be impactful, I just didn't know how impactful. To have the space to sort through your feelings about; the church, religion, God, spirituality, and all the other topics we touched on...was priceless. I know that I have so much to learn, but this gave me a giant step towards creating clarity on what I want for my spirituality and that feels huge.


“I gained an incredible amount of confidence in being able to make religious and spiritual decisions for myself rather than relying on what I was told as a kid. It was a tremendous amount of work to get there, but I feel much safer and in touch with what I want out of a spiritual and religious life. I've gained confidence going forward that I don't have to do things "just because that's what we do."


“My favorite thing about Soul Illume was the chance to see so many woman in different phases of life come together to hold space for each other and encourage us in each step of the way. Also the learning experience for myself, and being able to gain Reiki Attunement.”

“I came into Soul Illume hoping to reconnect with myself, my relationship with God, and connect with the women in the group while committing to my own healing and growth. I left with a new knowledge of how to move forward in my spiritual life, what my inner child truly needs, and a beautiful group of women that helped me hold space for my story, which allowed me to shatter the walls around my heart.”


“I am leaving Soul Illume with so much permission from myself. Permission to see the gray in my spiritual journey. Permission to develop for myself practices that mean something to me. Permission to change my mind and step into a spiritual relationship with a Higher Power that works for me and my journey. It have truly changed my life and my perspective.”


“Soul Illume started me on a path toward healing wounds I didn’t know existed.”


Meet your facilitator, Jada Dobesh

I am what has been called an “ecumenical mutt”: Methodist, Lutheran, Catholic, Baptist, Presbyterian, and Reformed Traditions (just to name a few). In short, I see it all. I work through the belief systems, spiritual formations and doctrine of all walks of life.

I’m here to step into an expansive belief in the Universe with my clients. At the intersection between individual spirituality and Christian culture. That’s where Soul Illume sits, too.

Soul Illume was created to honor myself and God’s calling to my heart to help others trust themselves and learn to listen to God. I desire to help you believe in your beliefs, to comfort your own spirit, and to nature your own growth and healing. In community.


Still on the fence?


Frequently Asked Questions

  • The word Selah comes from the Psalms. It is a Hebrew word with no English translation, but it means to take pause; to breathe and rest in what was just spoken; to contemplate and consider quietly.

    At Selah Space, we are offering the space and resources to live into and out of the idea of selah. When the client comes to Selah Space, they are able to choose from a list of beneficial services that will offer them a way to care for and love themselves so that they can offer their best selves to others. But Selah Space is offering, first and foremost, the space to do that.

    We mean ‘space’ holistically: physical space, mental space, spiritual space. We strive to offer a space that is inviting and pleasing and comforting so that our members can enter in, unburden themselves, become restored, and leave knowing that this same space is available and waiting the next day. We are creating the room for our clients to find wholeness, community, kinship, peace, and encouragement.

    So while Selah Space is a wellness cooperative, where people come to receive care in the form of spiritual direction, massage, or meditation, it is most importantly and uniquely, one space where we can offer one unified commitment to the care of each member’s whole self.

  • Not necessarily. I have many clients who come to see me for their appointment and make a day out of it. Make a Costco run, take a hot yoga class, meet a friend for lunch. So as long as you're willing to come to Sioux Falls twice a month, you can be from anywhere. The Group Illuminations must be in person. Your individual session each month can be done through Zoom.

  • Then what a gift your experience will be to all of us! Our stories are never the same. But we will look for our story in yours, and you in ours. Connection will happen there.

  • My first answer is yes to both questions! If you're wanting to dig deep and make movements in your spirituality, there is no pre-req. I'd love to set up a time to chat so I can affirm that in you. Schedule it here.

  • Registration will close September 22nd at Noon, or when the group fills up — whichever comes first. So theoretically, you have plenty of time. So does everyone else — so keep that in mind.

    Want to chat to see if we can figure out what you want to do? Schedule a call here.